Members Update 25th November 2020
As the situation improves we are moving more confidently to a return to basketball this time around.
Therefore in addition to the information provided last week, we would like to share the following
- Game Day Fees
- BBA are moving to a cashless payment model for game days
- There will be a single game day fee paid by each team game day via the TeamPay App (information attached), which will take into account the team sheet fee & venue entry fee. This means that BBA is no longer taking door payments for spectators; this will be built into the team sheet payment.
- Under the current restrictions games will be shortened & therefore the team sheet fee will be $70 per team
- Once we return to a full 40 minute game the team sheet fee will be $90 per team
- Spectators (Game Day) – until all restrictions are liftedS
- In line with the BV guidelines, BBA will have a strict spectator protocol in place for game day, NO EXCEPTIONS. Only registered players, coach & team manager to attend the game. 1 parent/household member per player only may also be allowed to attend. All Spectators must social distance, practice personal hygiene and follow any directives from venue or club officials.
- Dedicated Entry/Exit points will be established for each court
- Restrictions relating to arrival and departure will be in place, and to accommodate this, games will be reduce to 2 x 15 minute halves.
- Coach & Team Manager’s Required
- Please note, teams that do not have both coach and team manager, with current Working with Children Check will not be entered.
- Once teams are created we will be asking parents of those teams to take on these roles.
- Additional Information
Basketball Victoria Links
Should you have an question please contact the club via our enquires email
Registration for Summer 2019/20 Season is now open!!
Love Me Love You
Presidents Report by Milton Konstantinidis 2018
The past season has been one of transition, with a number of changes to the committee membership and executive. However this has not impacted the growth of the club and in fact, is seen as an opportunity to build upon the work of previous SUBC committees.
With that in mind, I would like to thank on behalf of the committee and myself the significant contributions made to our club by Fiona Botcher, Donna Cotterill and Kathy Leahy, the latter two who were also acknowledged at the recent BBA Ruby Anniversary event.
With a lot of experience departing mid-term it has been a significant learning curve for the committee, particularly having to navigate registrations during an ageing up a season which the BBA had brought forward to align with VJBL age groups.
Despite this intense workload the new committee in this period has set a clear agenda going forward, some items which are underway and others in the planning. A brief overview is provided following.
Communication – focus on greater sharing of information and dealing with issues as a committee and not relying on too few. Improved communication to members and adding resources to our web page.
Transparency- transition to a transparent financial model. Establishment of a shared google drive where documents can be stored and accessed.
Review committee structure and sub-committee structure. We will be looking for people to take on roles in welfare, discipline, sponsorship/ funding, events and build our bank of registrars by creating a social group who can work together and support each other.
Player and Coach development – skills matrix developed to support coaches, which will be linked to coaching and training resources in early 2019. Senior coaches to run meetings, clinics and to provide support to new coaches as they can. However, the objective is to develop a network of coaches who know each other and can help each other.
Support youth mental health via Love Me Love You foundation, promotion and links to information and support for our members via our platforms, this will build upon the presentation at October’s coaches meeting.
Growth at U8 and 10s – get out to kindergartens and schools, will seek out BBA support, and look to organise a fun “come and try/bring your friend day” early 2019 to attract players for the next winter season.
Improve registrations and team allocation, by targeting an earlier registration period.
It will also be our objective to increase participation by our members, noting that many current and past members have fulfilled multiple roles at once. To achieve this we will look at incentives with respect to registrations for volunteers.
Finally thanks to all our coaches, team managers, Registrars etc and a special thanks to our hard-working committee members, who as I noted earlier also fulfil other roles within our club and volunteer despite being busy with their own families.
Registration for the Winter 2019 Season is now open!!
New Committee Announcement
Our club has recently had a change in our committee and the new committee is listed below.
We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Kathy Leahy and Donna Cotterill for all of there help and commitment that they have given our club over the years.
Their time and dedication are greatly appreciated.
We would also like to thanks our new committee for putting up their hand.
Registrations details to follow very soon.
Go Unicorns!
New Strathmore Unicorns Basketball Club Committee
Milton Konstantinidis – President
Simon Gray – Vice President
Imelda Patton – Head Registrar
Melissa Amon – Secretary
David Markland – Treasurer
Victoria Murray
Drew Hildebrant
Kirsten Martin
Welcome to our new website!
We are so excited that you are here. This is your
Your season details, how to register, what to wear, where to train, when the games are on and how our teams are going.
This is your place to find out everything you need to know.
If you are interested in becoming one of our amazing sponsors and get your business in front of hundreds of local families please contact